Why Did the national daily THE HINDU didn’t publish the death news of Gandhi on that day?
a) It didn’t got the news on time
Who said the following about Mahatma Gandhi.
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth"
a) Eiensteen
Where is Sabarmati Ashram?
a) Ahmedabad
a) Ahmedabad
The prime minister of which country has decided to write a book on Gandhi?
Ans: Britain
Ans: Britain
On which day Gandhi was assassinated?
Ans: Friday
Ans: Friday
How did Mountbatten describe Gandhi?
Ans: On man peace brigade
Ans: On man peace brigade
Who was the private secretary of Gandhi?
a)Mahadev Desai
Who called ‘Half Naked Fakir’?
a) Winston Churchil
For how many years Gandhi was in Africa?
a) 21
Who is this famous personality in the picture?
a) Gandhi(1876)
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.