(Data as per Time magazine)
*For every minute that passes in real time 72 hours of video are uploaded to youtube. That is 7 months of video every hour. Earlier it was 60 hrs of video every hour
*YouTube’s April Fools Prank in 2009
On 1st April 2009, Youtube turned its Videos Upside down!! A page on Tips for viewing the new layout” suggested users hang their monitors upside down form the ceiling, although the did not reverse the mouse control..
*Me at the zoo was the first video which was uploaded to youtube
*YouTube is the second largest search engine on net
*An average person spends 15 minutes/day in Youtube
*The domain name YouTube.com was registered on Valentine’s Day in 2005.
*YouTube was brought by Google in 2006 for 1.65 Billion
*The longest Video ever on YouTube is 48 hours (2 days!)
*The most watched video (that is not a music video) is “Charlie Bit My Finger”
*The most watched music video is PSY's “Gangam style”
*Youtube is headquartered at Sab BrunoCalifornia
*Youtube gets about 1 billion search quires a day. If they were tailed separately from Google’s
*Youtube announced a rental partnership with paramount films. Youtube will offer online rentals of 500 paramount films.
*Salar kamnagar is the ceo of youtube
*Currently youtube is having 4 billion and more in total page views
Milestones of Youtube from beginning
*January 2005 Born
*February 14 2005 Domain Registered
*April 23 2005 (6.6 million views) First video me at the zoo.
*September 2005 First video to reach 1 million views
*December 2005 Youtube officially launched
*July 2006 100 million views
*October 2006 Google aquires youtube for $1.65 billion
*January 19 2009 Justin Biber uploads his first video (4.9 million views)
*June 7 2007 “Keyboard Cat” gets 21.4 million views
*December 2008 Youtube HD launches
*May 2009 Youtube 3D launches
*October 2009 1 billion page views per day
*May 2010 2 billion page views per day
*Rebecca Black releases FRIDAY and gets 190 million views